At level 30, Feather Falling is one of the rarest enchantments to obtain through an enchanting table. Just keep enchanting books till you get the end hands you want, than throw them on an anvil with the tools. Trading []. Players should be weary of nitwits. Best possible picks: Silk Touch, Unbreaking III, Efficiency III, OR, Fortune II, Unbreaking III, Efficiency III. 2% chance of spawning in each chest. Place the lectern next to an unemployed villager. HELP ME REACH 1. Turn the villager into a zombie and then cure them that should drop it slot usually when I do it it goes to 1 emerald. Having a good librarian inventory can provide you access to indefinite amounts of emeralds as paper can be made easily. This kind can't be used to enchant armor in an anvil. 39 is on the high side of the range so it's not necessarily a good deal. can. 2 Snapshot Looking at the list of enchantments we can see there are currently 39 enchantments in the game, minus soul speed and swift sneak, so 37 relevant ones. ago. yes, the first trades of a novice villager are random. Thanks. Sometimes you’ll get what you want in 3 rolls and then sometimes it’ll take multiple in game days of continuous rolling. 5 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS: ECKOSOLDIER Store: Instagram: Efficiency is an enchantment that increases the player's mining speed. As of 1. Unbreaking 3 Feather Falling 4 Fortune 3 Power 5 Infinity Punch 2 Looting 3. #1 CrownOfEgyptRevered Member cowland123 said: ↑ If you have a villlager that trades unbreaking 3 books, I will pay 5k to use it forever. It throws the trident at its opponent every 1. If you cure a villager, all the trades will drop down to one emerald per trade (or one of something for whatever). You'll have to level up other Villager types to obtain their enchanted stock. To level them to max, you'll have to use an Anvil and combine a Level IV tool with an Efficiency IV Book. The first to check what the enchantment is (unbreaking) and the second to see which level it is (iii). The first is have all books and all master books available on any villager, but have certain ones weighted more for certain villagers. Mending is a treasure enchantment; it can be obtained from jungle temple, stronghold, and ancient city chest loot, fishing, raid drops[BE only], or trading with a librarian of any level (or if the Villager Trade rebalance experimental datapack is enabled, a Master level Swamp Librarian). The statistics page tells me I broke lecterns 1178 times. there already was a post similar but i have a question, is it possible to make a Unbreaking 3, Looting 3, Sweeping Edge 3, Sharpness 5, Fire Aspect 2, Knockback 2, Mending with only books and not other swords, i can't find a way (i once was able to make it but i don't know which order anymore) Place a lectern next to him. Obtain by Fishing. You'll be able to trade items with villagers to obtain Infinity. The higher the enchantment is, the more difficult it is to get, thus it takes longer time on average to get. Depth Strider: Level 3: Allows players to travel faster when they are underwater. The solution. Chainmail armor protects the player slightly more than gold armor, and slightly less than iron armor. Sort by: Open comment sort options. Archived post. 16 I think. Once the player has found the enchanted book, they can retreat to the surface and use an anvil to combine it with their leg armor. Have you ever seen this or are there some enchants that the librarians can't have? Archived post. If he sells the book you want, trade with him until he levels up, and he will be locked into that trade. Yes they can. Furthermore, they can also trade the highest level of. An enchanted book is an item that lets players add enchantments to certain items using an anvil. I'm trying to summon a villager that sells a enchanted book unbreaking 3, I have this command, but it doesn't work and villager have no uniform and trade window just closes the second I click on it. I want to make an overpowered kit that uses one command and I need the custom trade villager to be in a pre-filled chest and I've tried /give @p chest{BlockEnityTag:{Items:[{Slot:2,id:villager_spaw. Pumpkin Pumpkins naturally generate with the terrain in most biomes in the. The chance of dropping a bow is increased by 1% per level of Looting, allowing up to an 11. It can block all the attacks within 90 degrees from. I'm trying to summon a villager that sells a enchanted book unbreaking 3, I have this command, but it doesn't work and villager have no uniform and trade window just closes the second I click on it. Unbreaking III. How long does it take? I recently setup a full trading hall, with a librarian for each book possible (at max level). From other comments i saw you already have unbreaking 3 and mending so id. 19/1. On Minecraft, can you change villager NBT tags without changing trades? 1. To do so, keep the tool in your hand, open the commands and type: /enchant @p unbreaking 3. All enchanted books are available from librarians. you break the lectern and reroll for unbreaking 3. I looked all over the Internet and can't find an answer. The results for level 1 Enchanted Book said that you can't, only Sharpness, Protection, Power, Efficiency, and Aqua Affinity. You can enchant a tool with the Unbreaking enchantment using cheats. Ive been setting up a villager trading hall and getting a bunch of villagers with good trades like silk touch mending unbreaking 3 and I got a unbreaking 3 villager on the third lecturn break and i’m still after like multiple hours not getting a sharpness V and I heard unbreaking 3 is really rare anyone even know if its even possible to get sharpness vKilling hostile mobs wearing enchanted gear (potentially with Unbreaking) provides players with a small (8. 13) 0. 18 Mason – 10 Clay For 1 Emerald (Novice) This starter-level trade with a Mason (grindstone required) is one of the easiest trades for players to make to quickly get some Emeralds. When the game determines which book will be offered, it first selects a type of enchantment, then the level of that enchantment, and lastly the emerald cost. The easiest part was calculating the probabilities of the modified enchantment level (before the bonus) as the random integers all have an equal probability. com (you can make your own custom trades there too). Step 3: Sell for emeralds, emeralds are now virtually free. 32 sticks traded for 1 emerald. So prior to 1. Smite IV. ago. Furthermore, they can also trade the highest level of. !I already have a mending villager so i am probably not going to need to buy it again, this is one of those zombie villagers that were healed, i cant still change his trades to achieve hopefully unbreaking 3. Despite using iron in its crafting recipe, shears cannot be smelted into iron nuggets. Everything. My friend made a spreadsheet which is supposed to have the perfect prices. Villagers can have trades for books with all the enchantments in all the levels, except those for tridents. Yes you can combine any enchantments together. The two books must be stacked (and therefore must be identical); despite the trading interface having two slots, the villager will not trade for one book in each slot. zac67911 • 3 yr. But I guess you're asking what to put your first one on. There must be one block of air between a bookshelf and the Enchanting Table for this to work. The wandering trader appears randomly in the Overworld with 2 leashed trader llamas. You can add nbt tag data for named and enchanted items (other tags may work. Unbreaking may increase the durability double, triple, or even quadruple, but that does not really compare with indefinite. ). Type the command in the chat window. I rerolled 650 times to get unbreaking 3. III. coren77 • 2 yr. I’m trying to get one of my librarians to get Unbreaking III but he just won’t sell it. Players can reach greater heights by throwing a. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. 25% (or 1 in 16) of Drowned in Java Edition spawn with a trident of random durability as their natural weapon. If a librarian unlocks both bookshelf and book trade, players can exploit the trading system and get almost infinite emeralds. Place the lectern next to an unemployed villager. Also I do believe you are able to get a sharp 5 villager. I haven’t seen protection on any of the level one trades either. Ssteveflores. A shulker guards the elytra and the ship's two loot chests. It is very similar to the Villager Trading Hall located on The. After that, you need to find a village to see some villagers. 2. Minecraft community on reddit. Fire Aspect adds 80 fire-ticks (4 seconds of burning) per level to the target. 1. Empty lecterns can generate naturally in village libraries, up to two for some library variants. My question is, is it possible to get Protection 4 on a Villager Trade? Go to My profile if you want to Read the full story and My dumb Decisions. it's just all about luck, sometimes it's easy and quick and sometimes it's super slow. This gossip is what gives the greatest discount. Tridents are not craftable. Mending is a treasure enchantment; it can be obtained from jungle temple, stronghold, and ancient city chest loot, fishing, raid drops[BE only], or trading with a librarian of any level (or if the Villager Trade rebalance experimental datapack is enabled, a Master level Swamp. Your odds of 2 particular books are 1 in 50 2, or 1 in 2500. 000698, or 0. This trade is always offered in Bedrock. As you are typing, you will see the command appear in the lower left corner of the game window. ) However there is also a chance it will break after only 6,000 uses. Trade with Villagers. Do novice librarians give mending? Just got to get lucky. Diamond tools with Efficiency V can also be found. Lol man I have had like 10 librarians and I was trying to get one with mending but none have had it but Im still trying its tough tho. Depth Strider is a boot enchantment that increases underwater movement speed. Obtain by Fishing. How to Use Mending Restore your Item's Durability. However, there is an equal chance for any of the 38 book types to be selected. So, I have a few possible solutions. lock that villagers trade in ASAP instead of refolling it to get something else. Elytra can be enchanted with Mending so that they get repaired as the player collects experience orbs while wearing/holding them. Obtain by Fishing. Infinite emeralds. In addition to Emeralds, Clerics may also trade for Rotten Flesh, Gold Ingots, Rabbits' Feet, Scutes, and Nether Warts. Can use this enchantment to mend your armors, weapons, shields, and tools. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. 13? Related. I ended up settling for a Unbreaking. I have been mining naturally for about five hours and collected around 40 diamond ore all of which were mined with my Netherite Pickaxe with the enchantments. Place a lectern next to him. You'll be able to trade items with villagers to obtain Unbreaking. 5% chance to drop their trident when. You need to check what they're initially selling and then remove the lectern and place a new one and check again. Tools of any material except stone or diamond can receive up to Efficiency V through the enchanting table. ago. No, but you can't actually do that with tools, either. Recipes [1]. Breaking the workstation is more likely to give you a different trade completely, so you might end up with say a unbreaking 1 book instead. The type you're trying to get, which is a protection 5 book, can't be obtained through commands (at least I don't think so) :[Anyways, if you still want this fake enchanted book, the command you need is this:My Pickaxe has Unbreaking 3, Fortune 3, Efficiency 5 and Mending 1, all of which are in that order and were put on using an Anvil and enchanted book gained from villager trades. You'll have to level up other Villager types to obtain their enchanted stock. Butcher. Use an Anvil to Level Diamond and Stone Tools to Max. Each. You have to put the command in a command block because it's too long: summon villager ~ ~1 ~ {VillagerData:{level:5,profession:farmer,type:plains},Offers:{Recipes. 13, and i know this works summon villager 1 Invulnerable 1,PersistenceRequired 1. I already have the code to make the villager sell what i need it to sell with all the needed enchantments and names but i cant for the life of me figure out how to add the unbreakable tag to these items. Another Sharpness V is available for 24 Emeralds. All enchantments are available via villager trades. Infecting and curing villagers is a great way to reduce the cost of items. You can get as many Mending books as you want by trading normal books and emeralds. Increases the maximum number of items for most common drops by 1 per level. However, the main method for trading still remains trading with villagers of different professions in a village. tag: is to specify the data of the item. Release them where the villagers can see them being released. 0. A pickaxe mines faster and can obtain more block types as items depending on the material it is made from. Unbreaking iii has 2 rolls though. NOTE: I do not prefer Knockback on my sword even in Hardcore. I have a librarian villager selling Efficiency V for 27 Emeralds. There are also several other professions that sell resources that can be useful. Yes you can combine any enchantments together. No, it’s entirely random. • 3 yr. I got automated cane/pumpkin/melon farm, a large sheep pen. I. Minecraft community on reddit. e. Can a librarian have 2 enchanted books? Librarian villagers now sell enchanted books at a cost of 1 book at 5–64 emeralds. The dimensions for the tube is 3x3 and surround the outside walls except the center block. Head out into open water and use your Fishing Rod to catch items with Fire Aspect enchantments. I just got an ok deal on unbreaking 3 (6 emeralds), I was looking for mending but unbreaking seems good aswell. Librarian Villager Update in Minecraft 1. Count: is the amount of items the villager will sell. This will take longer and honestly would be more expensive as anvils will eventually be used up for combining. 3: 15 Emerald = 1 Protection 4 book. I've gotten these in addition to fortune 2, although I really dont care about fortune. 11 is the. The Cleric Villager works with the Brewing Stand work station. Just bad luck probably. It can be made by using shears on a pumpkin placed in the world. How unbreaking works is that: In tools, there's a chance between 1/(unbreaking levels + 1) that the tool will not lose durabilty, so an unbreaking 3 tool lasts 400% of normal, meanwhile unbreaking 4 lasts 500% of normal, drops quite a bit, and with mending tools are inmortal anyways. So, I have a few possible solutions. It has not appeared in any development versions yet, but is planned to be included in a future update. How do you get the Unbreaking 3 on elytra? It is possible to apply the Unbreaking enchantment using an anvil and an enchanted book, which affects the elytra, in the same way it does to tools. Enchanting Table. It is as if the game detects the two books I have as different from the ones required by the Villager. 5-1 books per hour while AFK fishing, and from the XP you get you can enchant more books. 97% Chance. Unbreaking. Battle tower, or if you're far enough into the game you can mine the emeralds from a fire dragon nest (tier 4 or 5) with a fortune pickaxe. The same might not be true for enchantments on equipment from the various smith job villagers. Guardians and elder guardians have a Thorns-like effect which inflicts damage when their spikes are out. Step 4: Keep a good Armorer, Toolsmith and Weaponsmith at hand. Librarian villagers now sell enchanted books at a cost of 1 book at 5–64 emeralds. Efficiency V is being sold for 27 Emeralds by a librarian villager. Some trade are always present while others can change on different villager of same profession. Hence, there is an equal chance of them having a common variant. New comments cannot be posted. Players can sell 32 sticks for one emerald to fletchers. You can easily get all Level V books in 20 minutes IRL but getting them for a cheap price is very exhausting. Elytra ( /ˈɛl ɪ trə/ ᴇʟ-i-trə) are rare wings found in end ships that are a source of flight in Survival mode. The highest possible. We can get an invisible Item Frame using /give command. 2. He’ll trade Emeralds, Coals, Dried Kelp Blocks, Sweet Berries, and Meats such as Chicken, Porkchop, Rabbit, Mutton, and Beef. The armorer villagers are getting the biggest nerf with the villager trade rebalance in Minecraft. 39 is on the high side of the range so it's not necessarily a good deal. Or use the unbreaking:1b tag betterFor "treasure" enchantments the price is doubled. Punch, wait or fish villagers in the tube, then lock it in place. Coal. If I let him get infected by a zombie, and then cure him, will he still have that trade orientation? Archived post. A villager can be turned into a zombie villager if it is killed by a. [Java Edition only] The enchantments are the same as the ones obtained from an enchantment table at levels 5–19. Infinity is an enchantment to bows that prevents regular arrows from being consumed when shot. For example my tool smith was selling a pick axe with unbreaking III and now it's selling one with unbreaking I. It is possible for the book to have multiple enchantments. 14w32a: Hoes can now be used. You can also find coal in loot chests in. Before we detail how to get Riptide with an Enchanting. Then found it's really easy just to get mending on a first trade for a librarian. Like many other enchantments, Sharpness is a vital enchantment that overpowers a sword or an axe in Minecraft and increases their damage. I also really like Protection IV, Sharpness V, Power V, Silk Touch, Fortune III and Looting III. Archived post. e. Apprentice-level leatherworker villagers have a 50% chance to sell leather cap for 5. Code a summon command for a villager with the following trades: 1: 15 Emerald = 1 Mending book. Level 2 by 200% and Level 3. For coal ore, diamond ore, emerald ore, lapis lazuli ore, redstone ore, iron ore, copper ore, gold ore, nether gold ore, nether quartz ore, and amethyst clusters, Fortune I gives a 33% (1⁄3). The villager reclaims the bed after the player wakes. Go to that glass trader and sell loads of glass and bottles. It can take many dozens or hundreds of tries to get a villager with protection 4 books. Well, if you trap a villager on a 1x1 ↑2 and put water at its feet, it will keep trying to get out of water and never unlink from its linked POI. The player may first wake the villager (pressing {{control|use}} on the villager) and then quickly enter the bed before the villager can lie down again. • 4 yr. Efficiency only goes up to 3 iirc. 8 and several new enchantments (such as Sweeping Edge) have been added but the probabilities for other enchantments should be accurate (a diamond pickaxe gets the same enchantments in 1. In those situations, a thrown trident launches the player with it. Librarians from different biomes now sell different Enchanted Books. 16. In example, let's simplify this with just doing Unbreaking 3 and Mending Method 1: Every enchantment (Unbreaking 1, 2 and 3, and Mending) have a 25% chance of appearing. Players can turn unemployed villagers. Otherwise every enchantment and Level you can get from re-rolling a librarian is possible. 20. That is a fact. The formula for damage reduction by explosions is (8 × level)%, meaning that. Source 1: Obtain the Enchantment randomly from an Enchanting Table. A pickaxe is a tool required to mine ores, rocks, rock-based blocks and metal-based blocks quickly and obtain them as items. • 4 yr. ago been sitting here for hours tryna get unbreak 3. For coal ore, diamond ore, emerald ore, lapis lazuli ore, redstone ore, iron ore, copper ore, gold ore, nether gold ore, nether quartz ore, and amethyst clusters, Fortune I gives a 33% (1⁄3) chance to multiply drops by 2. . I've been changing a villagers trades for hours and can't get a protection 4. 20 command you can use to summon a villager with a profession, name and as many custom trades as you want. You can get any enchantment from Villager Trading except Soul Speed (Only trade from Piglins). For most items, there is a [100 ÷ (level+1)]% chance that using the item reduces durability. Once in a while, you’ll even get villagers who sell two of the same book. ago. Minecraft 1. 3%; Unbreaking three: 25%; 3) Primary vs secondary items. Since you probably only need the highest levels (i. Is mending or Unbreaking better? Can you get Unbreaking 4 from a villager? What is the highest mending? Can you get Unbreaking 3 from a villager bedrock? Is obsidian in real life? Netherite vs diamond pickaxe-How many blocks it can break; Images related to the topicNetherite vs diamond pickaxe-How many blocks it can breakThis is not true. Best. Coal is a mineral resource that can be obtained from mining coal ore and it is mostly used for fueling furnaces, making torches, and campfires. 8 villager (1. The chances of getting unbreaking 3 are the same as any others book that can be acquired through villager trading. . Efficiency is an enchantment that increases the player's mining speed. In return, the Butcher provides you with Rabbit Stew, Cooked Porkchop, Cooked Chicken, and Emeralds. A player can trade with them using emeralds as currency. It's not simple addition; if you combine two tools and/or books with the same level enchantment, the resulting item will have that enchantment at one level higher. One arrow is needed to use a bow enchanted with Infinity. . Weapon-, Armor- and Toolsmith: All the diamond weapons, armor and tools. The additional drops do not affect experience. 4. Fortune is an enchantment applied to mining and digging tools that increases the number and/or chances of specific item drops. Enchanted books can be obtained as a "treasure" item from fishing with a fishing rod as part of the "treasure" category. The first is have all books and all master books available on any villager, but have certain ones weighted more for certain villagers. ) or no xp farm at all then infinity as arrows are tedious to obtain from drops, making or trading. Librarians can sell every enchantment as every possible level on enchanted books. Thanks - this is very useful. 75 glass (and gives you 1 emerald), but you can buy 4 glass for 1 emerald. 113×0. Good luck on your RNG! I guess it really is bad luck, thanks for the help! No worries. Another selling Sharpness V for 24 Emeralds. You will then have a chance at getting Fortune once you start Enchanting your tools. Coal ore can be easily found underground in mountain biomes, and caves. Very understandable. Like other diamond tools, a diamond hoe can be upgraded to a netherite hoe, increasing its durability and slightly increasing its mining speed. It’ll take plenty of reroll to get what you want. Now the interresting part is that it can be stacked a total of 5 times. Zombie Villagers. I don't usually trade much since I don't need anything that they sell but a few months ago I found a blacksmith who was selling diamond pickaxes (unenchanted) for 11 emeralds and since then I've bought at least a double chest of them, they have also offered diamond boots and shovels although I've only bought one of each to unlock the pickaxe. Similarly, there is a chance it will last for 6,500 uses. If you trade a lot and max them out several times, prices will go up for a bit. Basically all the ones you actually use. I'd like to summon a villager that will sell a golden axe that can destroy oak fences in adventure mode for raw cod. Most people don't, but if you guys have troubles getting emeralds then this is way preferable. Step 6: build a library with villagers selling all the best enchantments at the less expensive cost possible (for example 17 emeralds for an Efficiency V book). 1%. New comments cannot be posted. I’ve gotten Unbreaking II 3 times but I still can’t get Unbreaking III. Fire Protection IV. 20 with the following command: /summon villager. Any items with Mending. g. Item Frame is an entity [JE only]. e. If commands are used to apply both Silk Touch and Fortune to an item, the Silk Touch enchantment takes. 5% chance of dropping an unenchanted bow when killed by the player. Mending is an enchantment that restores durability of an item using experience. 1 comment. Flint and steel is a tool used to create fire or to ignite certain blocks, structures and mobs. After 5 minutes, the villager will sell you his unbreaking 3 book for 1 emerald. Heal villager (throw splash potion of weakness and feed golden apple) Kill normal zombie. This Villager Trade Generator creates the Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac) 1. Whether you want enchanted books or quick ways to get emeralds, you have plenty of options! However, the Minecraft 1. After 23w31a, players will notice that librarian villagers will sell different enchantments based on their home biome. ) Thanks for your reply. You can get any level of enchantment for that enchantment as well. 4. Basically yes. If I interpret the wiki correctly in that it first chooses an enchantment, then the level (which is irrelevant for Mending) this would mean that we don't need to bother about all the different. Change the trade, I usually try to get Mending or Unbreaking 3 first. This enchantment is capable of reducing damage from sources that normally ignore the user's armor value,. However, there is an equal chance for any of the 38 book types to be selected. 11 is the absolute cheapest base price for level 3 enchantments. Respiration extends underwater breathing time by +15 seconds per enchantment level in addition to the default time of 15 seconds. ago. If you have a skeleton spawner farm then mending cause you have an infinite supply of arrows and it'll never need repaired, just go to the farm grab a couple stacks and mend up your bow. Players have access to the following commands: /set - Costs $3 per block placed /replace - Costs $3 per block placed /undo - Refunds 75% of placement cost WorldEdit only works in the Skyblock World on that. The natural price range for Fortune III is 11-45 emeralds. The site in the link given can also be used to see what other items can get (all at level 19). Enchanting is a mechanic that augments armor, tools, weapons, and books with one or more of a variety of "enchantments" that improve an item's existing abilities or imbue them with additional abilities and uses. Pumpkins have the same texture on all 4 sides. It's never taken me more than 15-20 minutes to get any enchanment I want. Essentially I have a big building full of beds and doors so it can count as a village, where I keep villagers and breed them with carrots. What are the chances of getting Unbreaking 3 from a villager? There is a 1/3 chance that you will get the level 3 version if the book is random and unbreaking. Uses XP to increase durability. Mending is better than unbreaking on any tool, weapon, or armor except bows. The order inside the { . Lorjack. Here is the current code:. Thorns III. The first time you trade a trade of a 1. So I've noticed that librarian villagers can offer any enchantment at any level of librarian. Summon a villager with special enchantment book trades. You can and Should. Bows will want infinity and mending conflicts with infinity. And there are ways to get him down to 1 emerald per. ive gotten two other villagers that have mending and sharpness 5 really good trades, now my next few villagers the only books theyre offering are ALWAYS UNBREAKING. c) They can't trade other items like paper, bookshelves. What all books can a villager sell? This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast Related Topics Minecraft. It can be applied to other armor pieces using commands. Trap an unemployed villager. Put the item to be enchanted in the first slot of the anvil, and add the Mending Book to the second. Wait a couple seconds for him to become a librarian. I got automated cane/pumpkin/melon farm, a large sheep pen. The maximum amount is increased by 1 per level of Looting, for a maximum of 5 leather (4 leather from hoglins) with Looting III. A player can, however, sleep in a bed being used by a villager. They have an equal chance of having all options on their trading list once they become librarians. You can reset his Enchanted Book offer by repeatedly destroying the Villager’s Lectern and placing it back down. Keep in mind lots of XP is required. Also, it exists in five different levels in Minecraft. 2, ie. e you can cure the villager a total of 5 times for maximum discounts from that particular villager. Cleric Villager Trades. I don't recall the exact number of books available (probably around 50 when including all the levels of each book). But even with a level 30 enchantment you still will probably need to go through some bad luck rolls until that happens. you can get an iron sword for sharp 2. Players can reach greater heights by throwing a Riptide trident straight upward, and. April 10, 2020 17:31. You can also customize the Count parameter to change the number of items used in the trade. There must be one block of air between a bookshelf and the Enchanting Table for this to work. After a few mins, the librarian will restock its trades and sell Mending books again. 8 trades they act as normal), they will have a 100% chance of all trades unlocking and the next. It will never try to sleep but will restock the trades if it can access its linked workstation so you can have the beds distant from the villagers and still get the trades going. Swift Sneak is a non-renewable enchantment that can be applied to leggings and allows the player to walk more quickly while sneaking. Having only 3 possible books per biome, and 2 of them being curses, it just makes them not feel worthwhile ever. Reply More. Instead of having biome specific books, librarians should buy an “enchanted book” (in one of the 1. You give the villager a potato and it should give you a Mending book in return. 20. you can get an iron sword for sharp 2. 2, ie.